Regarding Privacy Fences;
I have received inquires regarding fencing and wish to clarify position of the board.
Generally speaking until recently most of the fences in our POA were related to the ownership of a swimming pool. However with Beach Village undergoing development we found that we are getting more applications, especially for privacy fences. The Board is aware of some issues that have arisen with the installation of privacy fences in the past and have therefore refined the rules for approval of privacy fences within the POA. These rules have been added to the Rules & Regulations. The section on Privacy Fences is as follows: Privacy Fences: 1. Must be of a type approved by the Board 2. May not be chain link or wood 3. Must be a minimum of 36” off the side yard property lines for maintenance of lawn, landscaping and the fence itself along the property line. The fence may be on the rear property line. 4. Must not impede the flow of storm water over the lot into the collection system of Beach Village 5. New submittals must be accompanied by an as-built survey of the property 6. The fence may be forward of the rear corner of the house by no more than a distance equal to 30% of the shortest side dimension of the house, but in no circumstances may the fence be located beyond any front wall of a neighboring home. 7. Privacy fences existing before June 15, 2019 will be grand-fathered in until such time as they are replaced, at which time the new fence must meet the current standards. Until that time owners of non-conforming fences will be expected to make arrangements for maintenance needs on the outside of their fences. The Board is recommending that each lot owner have an as-built survey of their lot showing the location of the house along with the appropriate measurements of the house to the property lines and set back lines. If you have such a survey we would ask that you send a copy of the survey to the Board for inclusion in our files.